Saturday, April 26, 2014

Norwegian translations that work well

After working as a Norwegian translator for more than ten years I have learned a lot about how to translate for the reader, and which translations that work well. Here is what you should look for when you choose a Norwegian translator.

First of all: Make sure you find an experienced Norwegian translator with a marketing background. This is very important when you want to market products or services in Norway, but applies to all kinds of texts that you want the reader to actually read.

Important things to consider for your Norwegian translations:

  • Make sure the translated text is fun, interesting and easy to read. Otherwise it will not be read!

  •  Literal translations, like Google Translate, will not work. People will see through this straight away.

  • The text needs to be snappy, and error free. To make sure: use a proof reader to check the final result.

  • The translator should possess marketing know-how, and know how the Norwegian people react to different kind of language.

  • The text needs to have the connotations you are looking for. You do not want the reader to focus on something else than your products and services.

Make sure you choose a translator with a marketing background

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